Dough calculator with baker's percentage
Just input your percentages and the number of dough balls.
The spreadsheet returns the total amount of dough and the exact doses.
More details on baker's percentages in this video.
No knead pizza dough timetable
Enter the time at which you wish to eat and the spreadsheet will tell you when to do what.
Recipe with full explanations in this video.
Pizza dough by pan size
Input the size of your pan and the prefer thickness of the pizza to get the exact amount of dough you should prepare.
Recipe of the dough and full explanations are in this video.
Simple pizza dough calculator
Choose how many dough balls you need, their weight and choose the type of flour you use. The spreadsheet returns the exact doses of all the ingredients. If you need help, you can find video instructions here.
Full pizza dough tutorial in this video.